Move More

Activity snacks - stretches

Movement is nutrition for the body. That’s why we recommend having plenty of small activity snacks every day. Moving for just 1-2 minutes every 30 minutes makes a real difference. Do this a few times and just thinking about it will give you a dopamine boost!


“Nothing happens until something moves” Albert Einstein


The Pomodoro Method

Evidence suggests that getting up from your desk every 30 minutes (for 1-2 minutes) not only reduces your risk of serious health problems but it aids better concentration too.

Click here to read more about the Pomodoro ‘tomato timer’ and use the desktop clock.


Need a challenge?

Give yourself a goal or, even better, get your team together to work toward a combined goal. Click here for the British Heart Foundation’s pack for their stair climbing challenge. Only 58,065 steps to the summit of Everest!

Habit stacking

Making behaviours stick can be challenging. By ‘stacking’ a desired habit onto a pre-existing habit we are more likely to habituate the new activity. Why not use ‘dead time’ whilst waiting for the tea to brew and engage in a few stretches? We have included some suggestion in a video below.


Meet Emma.

Emma is a life-sized representation of how we could look in 20 years’ time if we continue with our current working habits. Fellowes worked with a behavioural futurist and a panel of experts to build Emma to shine a light on how the human body could change, physically and visually, if we don’t begin to take ergonomics seriously and change the way we work.