Understand your body from the inside out

Either taken at home or by our doctor in clinic, these blood tests can help you to get a fuller picture of what is going on inside your body

Most of our blood tests are carried out easily at home. If a blood draw is required then

  • Metabolic Health

    Our essential metabolic health blood test is an excellent foundation for learning more about your internal health. It is a good reflection of your blood vessel and heart health. It includes you cholesterol profile, inflammation (venous blood draw includes test for how well your body is metabolising sugars and carbohydrates by using the diabetes marker HbA1c.)


  • Testosterone

    Responsible for maintaining and building muscle, keeping fat away from your mid-section and importantly - libido. Levels typically start to fall from the age of 30. Make sure that testosterone deficiency does not hamper your health goals.


  • Vitamins & minerals

    B12, folate and Vitamin D. These are your haematinics, nutrients responsible for making red blood cells. They play an important role in energy, mental focus and recovery. We all know that the sun helps our skin produce vitamin D. But did you know that Vitamin D is needed for the absorption of calcium from your gut?


  • Thyroid Function

    Your thyroid gland is like your metabolic thermostat. It regulates a multitude of biochemical reactions and is also plays an important role in energy, weight loss and mental focus.


  • Bone Profile

    To keep your bones strong and healthy and to prevent osteoporosis we need to make sure we have good levels of phosphate, calcium, albumin and alkaline phosphatase.


  • Magnesium

    Probably the most important electrolyte when it comes to biochemical reactions in your body. Keep your magnesium levels in check to support all your bodily functions.


  • Full Blood Count

    Discover your haemoglobin levels to rule out anemia and count your disease fighting white blood cells to make sure your bone marrow is producing adequate amounts of the cells that make up your blood and immune system.


  • Iron

    Fatigue, headaches, muscle soreness, brittle nails and anaemia are all signs of iron deficiency. It is one of the most common deficiencies in the UK alongside B12 and Vitamin D


  • Complete Hormone Profile

    Your brain, gut, thyroid and adrenal glands communicate to make sure your hormones are balanced but sometimes this balance is upset and you may experience a number of symptoms. To make sure your key hormones are balanced we measure LH, FSH, Oestradiol, TSH, FT4 SHBG, Prolactin, Testosterone and Albumin. (This test includes thyroid hormone function so you don't need to purchase separately)


  • Cortisol

    Are you feeling stressed? A random cortisol will indicate whether you have elevated levels of cortisol which can weaken your body by decreasing muscle mass and demineralising your bones.
