An approach to Wellbeing that creates Healthy Returns

  • Boost Staff Morale

    By empowering people to better manage their own health. Enabling people to get more of their best more of the time. Tailored to your staff’s needs.

  • Increase Engagement

    By working on both a group and an individual basis we increase engagement and implementation. We collaborate rather than consult, creating a partnership with each client.

  • Improve Culture

    Healthy individuals make for a healthy workplace. Our approach not only gets people feeling better, but it gets them talking about it too.

  • Reduce Absence

    Stop preventable injuries from occurring. Reduce peoples aches and pains and you reduce their absence levels too. No need to take whole afternoons off for a GP appointment for backache or RSI.

  • From the Ground Up

    Our musculoskeletal experts address the root causes of barriers to health, not just the symptoms. We take into account the individual as a whole, as well as focusing on any current health issue.

  • Increase Productivity

    Wellbeing is a driver of performance, not a distraction from it. Our approach to health and wellbeing motivates and invigorates.


  • Return to Work Rates

    If people do need some time off we get them back fighting-fit faster with our virtual injury clinic and back-to-work support.

  • Small and Mighty

    We help to find and remove the blockages to change. We collaborate with individuals, using proven incidental and incremental habit-building techniques, empowering them to better manage their own health.

  • Positive Accountability

    We create a collaborative partnership with each individual client. Collaboration with trusted health professionals leads to positive accountability.

  • Exercise App

    Direct, safe and supported contact supported by bespoke advice and exercise plans. We have ongoing conversations and communication, adapting to clients’ changing needs.

  • Raise Profile

    Attract and retain the best talent with an expert-led health and wellbeing package.

  • Accessible

    Opportunity leads to action. People are statistically more likely to be proactive about their health if it is accessible and easy.


What People Are Saying

"The content was really good - informative but also with practical suggestions!”

— “Breathe” workshop attendee

“Thanks so much for the calming and supportive approach.”

— “Resilience” workshop attendee

“This is my favourite part of the week.”

— Onsite clinic client


“I know we are all busy but this is super useful stuff that makes us more productive the rest of the time."

— “Move” workshop attendee

“The session was really interesting and helpful, I thought Connie and Lily were so friendly and interactive. They were really engrossing and the time flew by.”

— “Sleep” workshop attendee